The Library of Things is an artistic research project about co-creating new relationships with objects and each other. The main practices of the project are collecting/gathering things for the library, creating improvised installations and interventions in public space, and designing scores with and for objects.
The research is collective, and takes place in a variety of contexts. The most recent phase, TUBES, was carried out on Fridays in the nieghbourhood of Nieuw Gent between January and March 2022, in collaboration with manoeuvre, Mariam, Mirra, Aya, Omar, Edibe, Rony, Hugo, Hakkan, Zahra, Michael, Gifty, Zehra, Chris, Katja and Eszter. One of the primary kind of objects I found for the Library in public spaces in Nieuw Gent were tubes, and so began a collaborative performative research into all the things that a tube is and can be. The project was kindly supported by demos through the Arts in Society Award. This phase was documented in a small DIY publication printed in manoeuvre’s printerette in the CultuurContainers.